
What is a Virtual Career Fair?

A virtual career fair is an online "event" in which employers and job seekers each meet in a virtual environment about job openings. Job seekers upload resumes and browse companies’ “booths.” Employer booths may provide information on the companies or they may include a link to their websites and a list of job openings.

What to Expect

  • You will register upon entering the event
  • You can upload a resume and may fill out a questionnaire about your interests and experience
  • You can search the participating companies’ job openings at each booth
  • You may be able to talk to a representative in the companies’ chat room or leave your resume and a note

Virtual career fair can be accessed by a PC, laptop, tablet, Android or iPhone through an internet connection, while also using the device’s camera and microphone. If you do not have access to one of these devices, please check with your nearest OhioMeansJobs center for space and access, as well as your local library.

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